- back to the main Cementimental indexUpdated at long last 4th Oct 2005! ![]()
circuit-bending/experimental music/noise links!
Please email me with any links you think I should add.If you've come straight to this page from an outside link or search engine, you might like to take a look at Cementimental's own noise + circuit-bending projects before leaving this site!
- the links -
= new or updated ......
= even newer!
This is getting out of hand! Here's a map:
Cementimental | Ghazala | circuitbending forums | circuitbending artists + info | bent instruments for sale | blogs and news sites | experimental/noise/underground resources + organisations | record labels | odd instrument makers + electronic artists | bands | web radio | noisy free software | other cool things | link graveyardcementimental-related
- Secret bootleg midi destruction sideproject. Oops, not so secret now. Also, doesn't exist.
- cementimental.com - this site! Noise, circuit-bending, odd music.
- Cementimental MySpace page - we jump on bandwagon!
- Gymnastic Decomposition - our Happy Grindcore/Haikore sideproject. Site updated, releases soon!
ErrorMental - brand new Noise Rave sideproject collaboration with The Errorplains!
Latent Mice MenVaran the Unbelievable - mystery Newport noise supergroup!
Dr. Age's Livejournal - no teen goth angst I promise! Rather, random art/images + occasional Cementimental news. Info from/about Q. R. Ghazala, circuit-bending pioneer!
discussion groups and communities
- The Anti-theory Workshop - Q. Reed Ghazala's official site...learn from the master of circuitbending! Inspirational in the extreme.
- Artistic Applications using Electronic Components - More from Mr. Ghazala, this is the page which originally got me hooked on bending! Lotsa info and links, (some duplicated in the newer anti-theory site above).
- Q. R. Ghazala - Behind the Circuit Bending - interesting interview. (new url, originally from the now defunct allsound.org)
- REED GHAZALA * DESIGNING 'CIRCUIT-BENT' INSTRUMENTS - A good article on circuit-bending from Sound on Sound magazine.
- www.oddmusic.com - Does what it says on the tin. They have a Q.R.G circuitbending section there.
- A good Ghazala article/interview at Mentally Unsound Underground Alternatives.
- WINDWORLD - 'A journal for Experimental Musical Instruments' have Reed Ghazala's "The Casio SK-1: Escapist Sample Shuttle" article and other interesting stuff
- Circuit-Bending : Build Your Own Alien Instruments
- Reed Ghazala has written a book on Circuit Bending! Got my copy, looks great + very informative! More info and ordering on the publisher's site.
or get it from amazon:
(Shameless amazon associate links? Yes! Deal with it!)
circuit-bending bands, artists' sites and resources
- circuit-bending:
- 'Benders' Yahoo group - The main circuitbending email discussion group. Lots of spam and the occational hillarious flame war but it just will not die!
- 'Benders Anonymous' Yahoo group - A new group set up to avoid the spam + lack of moderation in the original... just subscribe to both!
'Circuitbending' Yahoo group - Yet another circuitbending Yahoo group, this one born of serious INTERNET DRAMA! No idea how good it is as i was preemptively banned. :)
- circuit-bending livejournal web-based discussion thing. Nice, but you have to be a LJ member to post. Someone on there posted this very useful guide to scientific/test equipment for musical purposes which you may find helpful.
- circuit-bending forum on the Electronic Music 411 messageboards.
- Experimentalists Anonymous - good discussion board covering bending as well as various other diy effects and synth topics.
- Circuitbent Myspace community - small but growing group on myspace.
- SK-1.org board - community dedicated to modifying the extremely circuitbendable Casio SK-1 sampling keyboard. Also covers general bending.
- Backwoods Electronics Yahoo Group - "gutter-lathes, broken radio drum machines, chicken scratch oskillators, electronic bird whistler doorbells, ultrasound cannons, tankless hotwater heaters, cathead pianos, hamster powered pump organs, led boombox tires, hillbilly NASA cargo cults, solar powered one wheeled scooters, wirerecorder raves, etc, etc, etc."
- The Secret Society of Lathe Trolls - Messageboard for the home record cutting elite!
- noise:
NOISE FANATICS - New and improved replacement for the soon to be decomissioned i heart noise board! - the epicentre of the online noise community. Best noise messageboard around, hosted by Tronics & Pacrec
- harshnoise.com messageboard - is good too!
- Roil Noise Forum - good forum with many sections including Noise, Industrial, Circuit-bending, etc.
Swampfoot Records forum - NOISECORE! and other stuff.
in no particular ordercommerzial sites
- carrionsound - amazing gallery of circuit-bent and home made electronic instruments. Also sound clips and various cool schematics. Really great site, this was one of my main inspirations to try circuitbending!
- Ciat Lonbarde - Peter Blasser, creator of the 'Shinth', a circuit designed to be bent, along with many other truely beautiful and unique diy synths! He sells kits and completed units, as well as offering free "paper circuits" for you to download and build yourself! Great site. (was rainbowrandom.net)
- Warranty Void - Really interesting devices and a shockingly in-depth guide to circuitbending: Plenty of really useful info on the electronics involved, great if you really want to avoid frying your toys!
- oscillateur.com - includes 'speak & spell circuit-bending for dummies' and a really good circuit-bending FAQ
- Experimentalists Anonymous - Nice site with interesting bends, mostly concentrating on effect pedals. Also mods and homemade FX.
Rubber Monkey Puppet Company - circuit bending workshops, 3D shadow puppets, machine art and more in the Chicago area! Looks great.
- absurdity.biz - various downloadable releases incorporating bending, also Casio SK-1 video and more cool stuff. Also, they're making a circuit-bending documentary which you can see preview clips of!
- circuit-bending on 'Newsround' - my head explodes! Perplexed/patronising report on the Bent 2004 festival from Children's BBC. Oh those wacky Americans making music with toys! I can't believe they showed a half-naked noise artist screaming into a speak + spell on Newsround. What would John Craven think?
- Bent - 5-minute documentary by Laura Garcia-Barrio on bending and the Bent 2004 festival. Puts the BBC to shame! :) (New URL)
- Bent 2005 - circuitbending festival in New York, 27th - 30th April 05
- TechDweeb.com - Some really fun and unique gadgets/artworks incorporating bent technology!
- J. Smiley - very stylish site with some fine looking devices.
- Doomation/Evil Moisture - Stunningly grotesque mutated devices by Andy Bolus! Great use of the toy aesthetics which others may try to hide! Wow. (link fixed) Another Doomation page here.
- Caspar Electronics - some truely original and unique circuit-bent creations, with lots of interesting and useful pictures and schematics of their construction. Really stylish and generally great site!
- Mystery Circuits - Beautiful retro-futuristic devices and furniture by Mike Walters. Top stuff!
- F7 Sound - various bending experiments by Michael Oster, good page on an all-round interesting site. Also...
- Regurgitron - New site of Michael Oster's circuit bent noise/music project!
- Sailormouth - circuitbent instruments, multimedia sculptures etc. Some really useful and specific bending advice and schematics, including a simple sequencer circuit and hints on adding pitch shifting to some stubborn V-Tech devices.
- bEnt or diE? - photo + sound gallery of creations from Japanese circuit-bender Kaseo. Some really unusual toys!
- Atom-sphere - more bending from Japan, with a BBS and some MP3s to download.
- GEARt.e.k. Corporation - great site; diy electronic instruments, art projects, photos and writings by Kevin Bewersdorf. Also, a cardboard grand piano!
- SK-1.org - comprehensive site dedicated to modifying the classic Casio SK-1 sampling keyboard. Lots of detailed info and a messageboard.
- Khate - circuitbent toys + noisiness.
- Machinenoise - great site with many interesting-looking devices, photos, info on several bands and other good content. (new url)
- Burnkit 2600 - "jazzy drum n' bass grooves and experimental nowave" created with Game Boy and circuit-bent toys.
- Process R245 - devices + articles including info on how to bend an SK1.
- We Are Records - recently released "Noise and Toys Volume 1," a compilation of bands using circuit-bent gear!
- Circuit-Bent.net - instruments by Kevin Rees. Also useful info including tutorials on bending Furby and the superb Yamaha VSS sampling keyboard.
- Herscheltronics - inventive and noisy devices!
- Ruin Projects - documentation of portable diy synth and circuitbending projects.
- Bentpedals.com - a showcase of circuit bent effect pedals, with schematics.
- Xdugef - really nice devices including a really crazy sounding circuit-bent CD player!
- Bentstruments.com - lots of circuit bent devices and music, plus he modifies and repairs PXL-2000 'Pixelvision' cameras!
- Platonic World - Nicely-housed devices, also free VST synths.
- DC Animal - numerous things including a really cool bent flanger guitar pedal!
- Pete McPartlan - various projects including bent and modified tape-recorder instruments.
- Dingis Khan - circuit-bending and 8-bit music.
- Circuit bends by Fishtape - devices, music and a useful collection of circuitboard scans.
- Speak & Math board schematic
- MAN ATTACKS TOY - story/essay on circuitbending, with sounds + links.
- Wikipedia circuit-bending entry - needs improving; I can't be bothered, but maybe you can!
- Necrosensual - Various bent toys and instruments, bending how-to, scans of schematics, etc. (formerly Circuitbent.tk)
- Allerian - music + devices...
- Squelchbox - "Making experimental music in all the wrong ways"
- Electri-Fire - effects, circuitbent stuff,schematics, sounds, lyrics, miscellaneous projects.
- Goosey Gangles bent gadgets, also free drum sample kits + loops to download.
- Paza - Music, bent toys... man I'm running out of ways to describe the sites of electronic musicians with galleries of circuit bent things... anyway, he's remixed Beck, nice one!
- Toxic Loincloth - check out the mutant devices in the 'bonus' section!
Der Warst - - music and bent instruments by Simon Schäfer
- Buckettovsissors - noise, mp3s, movies and a gallery of brilliantly trashy looking mods + bent toys.
- circuit-bending Super Speak and Spell - photo-documentation of the process of modding + recasing a Super Speak. Also, animal band toy.
- Hazy in September - Australian electronic musician with some bent devices.
- October71 - circuit-bent and gameboy music. See her fabulous devices, including the legendary "CDemon" circuit-bent discman here. (new urls)
- The Former Yugoslavia - circuit-bending, plunderphonics, dictionaroke and more!
- Daryl Groetsch - Circuitbending and a really nice-looking DIY modular synth.
- jwdavies - good instrument gallery, many devices.
- Lafayette Sex Viking - "Hardcore Performance-Art Noise" band utilising bent stuff. Gallery of devices.
- t0YBREAKER - Detroit artist Dethany - "harsh electronic beats, grainy mechanical samples, and a mop of green hair"
- gklitschkitty - Cute evil Hello Kitty keyboard.
- In The Lab With Dave Wright - 2-Bit Sampler Time - good little tutorial from the Carrionsound man himself! (link fixed)
- Foxglove9 - "An example of when you graft an Atari2600 and a $10 toy keyboard together."
- Sidebent Circuits - a couple of nice looking devices.
- circuitbending.com - Bill T Miller's site with a huge gallery of toys modified by various people. Other noise projects too.
- Ninety Percent of Everything Documents - Recordings incorporating circuit-bent devices, stylish self-destructing webdesign. Now features NEStunes, a resource page for Game Genie Nintendo noise explorers!
- manmatesmachine - Noise and circuit bent toys, fine looking machines. (site gone? but image gallery remains)
- Baragon - very nice devices and graphics... I especially like the alchemical incantor!
- Cacophonic Laboratories - several devices with informative explanations of their creation.
- BaDsYnTaX - another bending band with good instrument gallery...
- The Infiltration Lab - interesting bending projects at - info-rich circuitbending pages on the 'art ' page here, also 'ghetto drum kit' + other interesting DIY electronics/pc stuff.
- Bending - An account of someone's first attempt at circuit-bending a Casio SK1.
- Flukewurm - A few nice circuitbent devices and sounds by Flukewurm.
- Lupinstel's projects - Another page of strange devices!
- Lost in the Schlagsahne - under construction - homepage of another circuitbending maniac.
- Nautica - a band who use circuit-bent stuff.
- UpliNk - "Ecclectic Audio Eccentricities And Experimentation..." ...nice!
- Sir Kut Ben Dure - some bent toys.
- Bantha - a few cool devices with sound samples. (new url)
- John Hollis - circuit-bending tips + devices from a anti-anti-theorist! Also, interesting looking schematics for guitar effects, and various other things.
- Fragile Human Organs - Another band incorporating circuitbent stuff/experiments.... their bending section contains a few device images, and will grow soon!
- 'Hairball' circuit-bending element - instructions for building a small LDR based device which.... uhh... well, I don't quite know what it does, but I'm sure it'll be of use to someone!
- Computer Jones - a band who incorporate bent stuff.
- Home Grown Noise Projects - an online/downloadable bent speak&spell java simulation, and other cool noise projects.
- Datamath Calculator Museum - Amazing database of Texas Instruments devices, including ET's favorite of course... good resource for benders and collectors alike! Here is their page on circuit-bending.
- speak.and.spell.mods.txt - page from a synth site about modifying Speak + Spells.
- Interfacing a Speak & Spell to a ZX Spectrum to create a super 80's speaking computer, wow!!!
- www.ctokic.net - A couple of device descriptions + mp3s.
- Circuit-bending attempts - a couple therof.
- Inappropriate Technology and circuit-bending - his Pac-Man sequencer looks really interesting too!
- Datura 1.0 - electronic act using computer + circuitbent devices.
- Dissecting Voice Synthesizers - lots of potentially useful technical info on a wide variety of speech chips. A goldmine for the more theoretically inclined circuit-bender?
- Casio SK Series Keyboards - good site with lots of info about the legendary SKs and other sampling keyboards. Includes sound samples and manual scans.
- 'How To Circuit-Bend And What It Does' - a basic introduction at Underground Music Monthly. (link fixed)
- Circuit Bending Super Speak and Spell - documentation therof.
- The Pool - impressive and somewhat scary art installation incorporating dismembered Furby faces! nice.
- Doo Rags by Olaf Ladousse - gallery of photos of some really cool looking noisemakers. I'm not sure quite what they are, but they certainly look the part!
- 1-bit groove box - bleepy little instrument, full building instructions. (a bit over my head tho, what with digital chip stuff!)
- Random Noise Sources - info on various simple noise generator circuits. Written from a cryptographic point of view but these could certainly be suitable for bending/diy noise synth application.
- Pulse Emitter - includes some very useful and unusual diy synth and bending schematics on the 'additional' page.
- musicfromouterspace.com: Your First Synth - easy-looking beginner weird noisy synth project. In depth instructions + schematics, I may have to build one myself some day soon.
Please note I have not purchased circuit-bent instruments/devices from any of these sources (or anyone else for that matter!), and thus cannot endorse them! But I'm sure they're all lovely.
Do take a look even if you don't wanna buy things though, there's some very inspiring stuff on these sites!
- Reed Ghazala - alien instruments from the circuit-bending master. Very expensive fully decorated instruments as well as a (slightly!) more affordable 'bare bends' service.
The Squarewave Parade - All sorts of really nice devices for sale, including the highly innovative "parasites" which are modules to add extra capability to your own bent projects. Plus useful info on building DIY reverb units and more.
- Daniel Park - nice looking instruments for sale, plus his music etc.
- Warped Circuits - neat looking bent speaks + keyboards for sale in the UK.
- K Tronik - very stylish and original circuit-bent devices, as well ad Atari ST stuff and LED light systems. Good stuff.
- MUSIC FOR PARTIES - ELECTRO GEAR SHOP - Japanese site selling some really unique looking bent speak & spells and other interesting stuff!
- ISM - large gallery of really nice-looking + sounding devices for sale. Well worth a look even if you don't wanna buy stuff...
- circuitblender.com - Great gallery of devices, again well worth a look aside from buying... He's even got circuitbent Pixelvision cameras.... wow... I want one :)
- circuitbenders.co.uk - quite a few (some borrowed and some their own devices) images, and various things for sale. Based in the UK.
- BugBrand - Unique hand built audio effect and sound boxes.
- Censtron - Pretty stylish site and instruments, also potentially lethal instructions for making a TV into a oscillascope-esque analogue audio display!
- The Circuit-Bent Project - devices for sale and an interesting collaborative recording project from Tablebeast.
- Cementimental CD store - Buy Cementimental CDs and Book online from lulu.com
- Cementimental Merchandise store - Buy Cementimental stickers, badges and other junk online from cafepress.com
- ...(Well, I might as well plug my own stuff here, tho i'm not selling bent devices - yet?) See also my releases page for info on other places to get various Cementimental CDr and cassette releases. Sometimes i sell things on ebay too.
art/music technology blogs + news
(I hate the word 'blog')various experimental/underground/noise music resources & organisations
- Get LoFi - superb circuit-bending and diy-synth blog. A wealth of interesting links and info! Highly recommended.
- Benthack - very nice blog documenting the creation of various bends, along with MP3s including Back performed on Casio SK-1!
- Harsh Noise Blog - Interesting writings and thoughts on harsh noise!
- Music Thing - Great blog documenting all sorts of amazing music gear + gadgetry.
- Video Thing - New blog covering interesting, obscure and experimental video hardware and software. Inspired by Music Thing, basically the same idea but for video. I am one of the contributors! (link fixed!! doh.)
- Retro Thing - the Thing empire spreads! Cool blog featuring a wide range of retro gear and gagetry.
- VORC - Video Game Music and Chiptune news site in English and Japanese. Amazingly comprehensive. They even spotted and listed the one and only Game Boy track I've put online! That actually kind of scared me. :)
record labels, & distros
- The Internet Archive - open source audio - Great option for hosting your own music and video, also they have all sorts of interesting + useful stuff including public domain video footage, archives of the web back to 1996, texts, etc! archive.org, yey!
- No Ground Processes - Great collective who have helped me to inflict my noises on the public! The site contains lots of info and links to the many bands/people involved, and a messageboard. Lots of interesting activity in Newport, South Wales and elsewhere, take a look! (Links fixed)
- Alphamanbeast's Noise Directory - listing of noise projects, great resource + it's growing!
- Cassette Mythos - a great electronic book documenting the the DIY home recording scene of the 80's and early 90's. Touches on noise, mail art and much more. Lots of really interesting articles (including one by Q.R. Ghazala) + inspiring ideas from back in the day!
- 365 Days - Amazing project whereby a different MP3 will be avaliable to download every day in 2003! Been some great stuff already, mostly found/'outsider' music.
- EM411 - Good community/resource site for electronic music... forums, reviews, samples, interesting production ideas, etc.
- allsound.org - Was THE place for news of 'Beautiful Sounds and Difficult Music, but now somewhat inactive, alas.
- The Dub Scrolls - "A collection of the maddest dub production techniques", lots of very inspirational and useful info. Even if you're not into producing 'in a dub stylee' it's a great place for hints and ideas, especially for attaining nice analogue sounds...
- noiseweb.com - Good site for links to and reviews of full-on Noise bands.
- harshnoise.com - Effects pedal and other gear reviews and info, specifically aimed at noiseicians! Extensive site, definitely the place to check before you go + haggle @ the 2ndhand shop!
- SPECAP - 'Society for the promotion of experimental composition and performance.' Iceland-based group.
- THUMBzine at Audio Dregs has some really interesting articles and interviews. Lovely bitmappy graphix too!
- Handbook for Acoustic Ecology - A really interesting hypertext covering all sorts of audio issues including psychoacoustics and experimental music.
- Oddball Archive - great collection of MP3s of all manner of home recordings and other unique and bizzare musical finds! Especially notable is the highly odd record by one 'Wee Willie Shantz'.
- Neo Zine - webzine covering many styles of underground music.
- noisebot - noise record label, with a good discussion forum.
- oneinfin8tzero - "metaphor creates meaning"
- JapSounds - some interesting interviews, in English and Russian, with Japanese Noise, Grindcore, Black Metal, etc. artists.
- Glitch Art!
other experimental/oddmusical instrument-makers and electronics artists
Sharp Noodle - Home of Snork Maidne, Atomck, Cementimental and friends!
Tiger Claw Records - Circuit bending label, good stuff.
Loose Circuit Record Distribution - bending/experimental distro.
- Roil Noise - great label/collective with CDR, mp3s and videos from a diverse range of circuitbending, noise and other electronic artists. Also good messageboard, artwork, links etc.
- Monopolka - Russian noise label releasing all sorts of amazing handmade artifacts including 'anti record sound objects' and microcassette recordings as well as the more ususal CDR and tape. 'Toy Stereo' circuitbending type stuff involved. Cementimental/monopolka remix tape "Pokemon in my Database" now avaliable from them as well as many other fine releases! (new url)
- Heresee - home of Nautical Almanac. Lots of great noise/weirdness releases with lovely handmade artwork, including various unorthodox lathe cut records!
- American Tapes - legendary noise label with great art-object packaging. (old site here)
- Dementoid Records - circuit-bending and noise label.
- Samsa Records - Experimental and noise label; back in action, new url.
- Queasy Listening - CDR label with many interesting projects in true surrealist spirit!
- Noisick Records - "DIY sick distro of all grind, death, black, noise, boredcore, punk, and total shit." Cool stuff, USA based, lots of crazy grindcore, cybergrind etc from around the world, plus my CD Marklamarrmalarky is currently avaliable there!
- Trauma Press - Top noise label in Cardiff, Wales.
- Maladjusted Electronics - Alaskan multi-genre label.
- Sunny Days Out - experimental + noise label from my birthplace!
- Shitopia records - brilliantly crazed music! Make sure you also check out the rest of the Home Despot site, highly entertaining, weird and interesting stuff; Tokyo diary particularly recommended!
- Ipecac Records - Mike Patton's label.
- Mechanoise Labs - French label, "home to experimental / extreme electronics, harshbeat, tape collage, improvisational pieces and noise recordings."
- Total Annihilation Distribution - Nice D.I.Y. punk/crust/grind/hardcore/zine distro run by my MailArt friend Evan.
- Dank Disk - record label specialising in "dark downtempo electronic sampledelia"
- Micromusic - online label/community of videogame-esque music.
- Ambulatore - interesting-looking little label in Spain.
- Electronic Musik - Electronic noise/experimental label here in the UK... also lots of info + articles on the site about this kind of music.
- cytherea records does not have a website
other bands/musicians/artists
- Malfunk - Really interesting Shockwave audio/visual experiments including explorable 'data bent' 3D structures. Good stuff!
- Ciat Lonbarde (new url, was blasser.com, then rainbowrandom.com) - Various highly original devices and ideas by Peter Blasser, including a 'rollable synthesizer'! MP3s of his music, superb site all round! Also a really interesting articles about circuitbending and the 'Shinth', which is "the first synthesizer designed to be broken." Kits avaliable now too.
- Paul Slocum - inventor of the Atari 2600 synthcart and various other really unique music devices! (link fixed!)
- Gijs Gieskes - Entertaining flash soundtoys, plus amazing-looking hardware sequencers, homemade record cutter, bent game consoles and other projects.
- Junkabilly - Monkey Boy; "Angelic Kentucky Hell Noise Hammered out on Home-made Instruments"(!) Check out their instrument gallery, some great stuff!
- Z Productions - Highly entertaining lo-tech robot/machine art by Paul Granjon. (link fixed)
- Tim Hunkin - builder of many fabulous devices, creator of the amazing 'Secret Life of Machines' TV series, all round genius! Inspirational stuff!!
- Neil Feather - Really unusual custom built instruments/sound sculptures, wonderful things!
- Tim Kaiser - Performance artist who builds some really strange and unique instruments, both electronic/circuitbent and electroacoustic.
- Johannes Bergmark builds some incredible surrealist musical instruments! All sorts of bizzare acoustic and electroacoustic devices, very nice.
- Maywa Denki are a Japanese music/art duo who make incredible surreal instruments and devices under the guise of an electronics corporation. Their website is a stylish but very challenging Japanese command-line text interface... if it confounds you, click HERE to go straight to the gallery of their bizzare 'products'!
- Stringstation - interesting-looking project to build a unique 40-stringed instrument.
- Defektro Noise Army - Japanese collective who build their own weird + wondeful noise devices. Includes great-looking custom noise effect pedals for sale.
- Vanilla Electronics more custom Japanese noise effect pedals, also noise record label.
- World Power Systems - Beautiful cold war inspired electronic sculptures and lots of other interesting things.
- Survival Research Laboratories - Legendary robot art group.
- Afrotech - highly amusing 'ghetto' computer modifications. Superb trash-style webdesign, insane projects.
- David Tudor - info on the composer and his experimental electronic music devices.
lemur - League of Electronic Musical Urban Robots!
- Moosapotamus - DIY stompboxes.
- Ring Modulation - page explaining true passive ring mods, including how to build one. It's a very simple circuit, well worth a go!
- Peculiar Sounds from a Drop of Saltwater on Aluminum - Very interesting experiment which could possibly be developed into some kind of chemical noise synth!?
- Lifter TechnologyBig Clive - various crazy projects mostly involving LEDs and/or terrifyingly high voltages!
- c-trl.com - really cool art projects using an immense collection of oldskool 68k macs. (link fixed!!)
christmas music performed on an MRI scanner !?
web radio
- Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band - the greatest music.
- Lightning Bolt - !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Errorplains - "it's always so hard to label music, but if we had to we would say we are electroSpazDiscoNouveaRomaMutantMetalDubStepGabbaCore"
- Chico y Chico - two medieval warrior boys making some wild wild music influenced by nintendo 8-bit music and unicorn special powers.
- Botanophobia - indescribable band.
- Snork Maiden - Fellow Newport noise/experimental/electronic/just great band, Cementimental's co-conspiritors in noise! Superb!
- Gymnastic Decomposition - Newport Happy Grindcore supergroup!
- The Goldie Lookin' Chain - Legendary Newport hip-hop collective, just genius! GLC! You knows it! Now, brilliantly, world famous, which feels like a huge private joke just for (or perhaps on) me.
- Toru Takamizawa, occasional Cementimental member, great musician, also does beautiful paintings as seen on his site.
- Shooby Taylor - The Human Horn - indescribably astounding outsider musician. R.I.P.
- Hal McGee - legendary home taping experimental + noise artist.
- Receptors - 8-bit/chiptune "Lo-bit futurist electro-funk space-punk" with Game Boy Camera visuals.
- Princess Army Wedding Combat - anime-inspired otaku kawaii-noisecore! Yey! ^_^
- eX-Girl - Amazing japanese girl pop punk band!
- Yumi Yumi - Another amazing japanese girl pop punk band!
- Yamazaki Maso Official Website - Really good official site of the psychedelic/noise artist Yamazaki Maso, AKA Masonna.
- Merzbow - official site of the Japanese noise legend. (link fixed!)
- ehafh - Fine music with commodore 64 and horror movie influences.
- Spleen - more here
- Super Madrigal Bros - Elizabethan music performed using 8-bit videogame technology! Wow. Their debut album 'Shakestation' is out now!
- AY Riders - downloadable albums of ZX Spectrum music! Some of the cover versions are especially cool!
- Harm Stryker - political motivated and charged experimental and noise musical venture.
- villaborghese.tv - "Lost, found and modified" - abstract/ambient electronic music incorporating circuitbend sounds.
- Project Dark - analogue noise adventures including 7" records made from biscuits, hair and other materials! Lock up your stylii!
(an older but fancier Project Dark site here!)- Jupitter Larsen - "happy fun time for the entropicly literate" - official site of the man behind The Haters and sound designer for Survival Research Laboratories.
- OOBS Records - Craziness of the highest order. This group of sonic juvinile delinquents claim to have now destroyed themselves for the good of mankind like Arnie in Terminator 2, but their dark legacy remains here for all to see. There's lots of stuff, and the 'tour diary' bits are hilarious! Inspirational, in a dangerous way.
- Girl Talk - New project from Greg Gillis (ex-OOBS Records/Joysticks.) Fabulously tacky web design!
- Nanostroke - "a beautiful blend of heavy, screamy, melodic noisecore"
- New Wave Casiocore - now THERE's a genre name!
- Quicker - Casiocore band (in the 'music' section of this generally cool site)
- Man or Astroman? - Great band! Saw them play @ TJ's last Halloween, they were incredible!
- They Might be Giants - Maybe they seem slightly out of place in this list, but they're just great, so I'm linking anyway!
- Digital Hardcore Recordings - Digital Hardcoooooorrrre!!!!!!!!!! :)
- Mountain Men Anonymous - They're really really good!
- Negativland - legendary culture-jamming music type people.
- Plunderphonics - Dunno much about this, but it looks very interesting!
- Björk - Well, I like Björk!
- Jandek - site devoted to the mysterious but prolific outsider musician who is legendarily bad, or an unsung genius depending who you speak to. I've havn't heard his music yet, so I can't comment.
- Science Songs - Very amusing educational songs! Lots of other entertaining stuff there at acme.com too.
- An Article at tentacle.org - interviews with several interesting instrument makers, including some circuit-bending stuff...
- IBM 1403 Printer (1964) playing music. thanks to bored students in the 70's!
- Symphony for Dot Matrix Printers - great stuff!
- Naiznanku - Belarussian 'Rock-In-Opposition' band, apparently?
- STicKX - Various styles of Electronic music.
- Fatal Floor - Hiphop/Experimental/art/movie/stuff collective of which Cementimental is part! Website soon/never
- Spite Your Face Productions Ltd. - Our animation + film company.
Please note I'm not at all interested in listing sensible experimental/electronic/alternative music radio stations here; rather I prefer totally obscure/scientific/nonmusical/weird-genre-specific streams! Please let me know if you find any good ones.noisy free/shareware software
- Railroad Radio Scanner Communications - from across the USA. I don't really even quite understand what this all is about, something to do with freight trains, but it's pretty atmospheric to listen to. Sounds like THX 1138, but more polite.
- Hardrave.jp - Happy Hardcore + Anime theme tunes = musical guilty pleasure apocalypse! ^_^
- Inspire - NASA show puny human noise artists how it's done - 24/7 live performance by VLF radio waves in the magnetosphere!
- Cantonese Opera - constant streaming Cantonese opera recordings! Nice. Sound quality is a bit hit and miss tho.
Mostly for Mac coz that's what i use
- ReBirth - the legendary 303/808/909 emulator is now freeware for Mac and PC!!!
- Soundhack - Incredible freeware Mac app, great for opening raw data files as sound, amazing enveloped 'phase vocoding' for Aphex Twin style noises, various other unique and unorthodox effects possible! Get it now!
- JanusNode - superb text generation & randomisation app, new version now for OSX. Really amazing + entertaining tool for generating surrealist poetry/lyrics, cutup writings and artificial insanity!
- Leafcutter John has some really innovative and fun free sound apps for the Mac on his site.
- CellSynth - cool grid-based modular softsynth.
- Argeïphontes Lyre - "A set of time domain audio filters and generators for the Macintosh" - Really interesting software by Akira Rabelais, some great effects and also a strange, refined, artistic interface. "the Lobster Quadrille" and "Dynamic FM Synthesis" modules are particularly unique and good for strange noises! Various other fine stuff on his site too...
- Mukaihara Home Page - includes two nice freeware softsynths for the mac, "Wave" and "WaveBeat" (site mostly in Japanese but pretty easy to find the downloads)
- Digidesign Pro Tools - Pro Tools Free does everything I currently need for putting together music and noise! And it's Free, hence the name! Download it, very nice!
- Pluggo - download the free 'Pluggo 3 Runtime Installer' and you'll be able to use various plugins with ProTools etc. It seems to work with Pro Tools Free, but some plugins I've found have been troublesome...
- PeRColate - some unusual free plugins for Pluggo + others.
- Gleetchplug - More free plugins.
- The Lone Roger - some useful + strange freeware apps and Pluggo-compatible plugins.
- O.R.I. - Operation Re-Information - Man or Astroman?'s software collaborators... really nice site with lots of good stuff including downloadable software for PC and Mac, including 'Talk Back to Basics' which allows you to take control of the Mac's Speech and make it kind of sing!!
- Robot Software - "music by universal machines for universal machines" ! Numerous experimental random/generative mac softwares + projects, mostly MIDI-related.
- Spongefork - Mac application designed for live performance, use tones, samples and live sampling of audio in variously noisy ways.
- Signwave have some really interesting generative music and graphics software to download, and lots of other nice stuff.
- MetaSynth - Interesting app allowing you to kind of paint sounds, or import images as audio. Also, another Aphex Twin secret revealed: apply MetaSynth's 'Inertia' effect to a breakbeat sample, you'll see what I mean! ^_^
- The Amazing Slow Downer - It is pretty amazing, and it does slow down.
- Nanoloop - Sequencer for the Game Boy! I want one... oh well, I'll have to make do with my GameBoy Camera for now!
- Super Studio Session - a bit of retro Mac nostalgia for you, this classic music program is now freeware! Wow. I think someone should put together a compilation of various artists using only Studio Session!
- 'Databenders' Yahoo group - An email discussion list for people doing circuit-bending style stuff on computers or generally abusing digital data for artistic/musical purposes!
- Tune Toys - various interesting online soundtoys which generate midi files.
- runme.org - software art archive.
- Pawfal - "Pawfal is a WikiWikiWeb for all things Audio and Visual and wherever possible Linux."
Please email me if you spot any broken links, or have a site you'd like listed here. I'm trying expecially to have as comprehensive list of circuitbending sites as is humanly possible; "Enough links about circuit-bending to choke a horse" to quote one Tony Mason! :)
Any and all links to my site much appreciated, thanks! (I'd prefer though if you'd link to the main page - www.cementimental.com - rather than subpages like this one.)
unrelated things i like- back to the main Cementimental indexTime Cube
Harry Stephen Keeler
- www.timecube.com - Word animals will feel the wrath of Cubic curse.
- www.abovegod.com - You maybe academically retarded.
Legendary early 20th century mystery writer recently rediscovered. His writing is totally insane and amazing. I can't begin to describe, just check out these links to find out more and read his books:
- The Harry Stephen Keeler Society - join it!
- Harry Stephen Keeler Home Page - good introduction to Keeler
- Ramble House - heroic DIY publishers, provide new editions of all Keeler's many works!
- Keeler is at long last back in mainstream print thanks to McSweeny's! They've reprinted The Riddle of the Travelling Skull, one of his most readable and amazing novels, in a very hansome hardback edition! Highly recommended.
link graveyard!
Entropy strikes! The following pages seem to have dissappeared. Please do let me know if you find alternative/new sites for any of them.If you really want to see what was on any of these sites you could try pasting the URL into the Wayback Machine to access any existing archive of the pages.
have some good articles and interviews on circuit-bending and other music stuff.
http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/312/furby_philharmonic_orchest.html"- Furby Philharmonic Orchestra - a couple of fine MP3s of music performed using 12 bent Furbies.http://www.pansiecola.demon.co.uk- Pansie Colahttp://www.infin8ty.com/music/bend.asp- infin8ty have a nice gallery of circuit bent things with sounds and some info.circuitbent.com- a new site which will include a database of circuitbenders and their work as well as an archive of schematics and advice on bending. Not a lot there yet, but it will grow with your help! (currently under construction)http://www.noizekulture.com/fd/gear.htm- Fetal Distress gearhttp://www.simulated.net/bending/- An account of someone's first attempt at circuit-bending a Casio SK1. (simulated.net does still exist, but the bending page seems gone???http://technosnob.com /getbent/- More pages of nice devices + experimentshttp://mp3.com/SirKutBenDure- Sir Kut Ben Dure - page of MP3s created with bent toys and homemade electronics. (minimal page here but mp3s gone)
Wishful thinking: